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当面对过去时,问题变成: 过去的哪些部分将代表真相?

我们大学的种族和解计划有五个主要组成部分: 1)研究,2)报告,3)传播,4)讨论,5)决定. I’ll write about these one at a time.

Starting with research 可能听起来很明显,但它不是明显的,除非它被注意到.


I enter the classroom. 这是开学的第一天,经过长时间的休息,很多 学生们都很不耐烦,急切地想要通过这个春天的最后一个主要障碍 semester before summer break beckons.

现在,有一些压力,因为很多学生都在这个教室里 on the strength of word-of-mouth. 很多人被告知这是一门他们绝对 do not want to miss; that this class will always deliver something unexpected and non-traditional.

Keep your eyes open, they’ve been told.

I absorb this pressure. I inhale it all in, then let it out slowly. Solemnly, I walk to the front of the classroom. 我打量着那些看着我的五光十色的面孔 a mix of suspicion and anticipation. Pardon the cliché, but one could almost hear a pin drop. 当寂静达到高潮时,我慎重地把手伸进我的 pocket while keeping my eyes on the class. I allow the students to see that I have drawn out an ink pen. 我伸出手臂,把笔举到离地几英尺的地方.

I open my hand and let the pen drop.

钢笔掉在地上,滚动着停了下来,我终于开口说:“钢笔 just fell to the ground. Tell me the history of what happened."

What happens next is nothing short of amazing. I instruct the students to pair up 一起写一篇bc体育刚刚发生的事情的简史,为它做准备 与全班同学分享,教室里的嗡嗡声变得触手可及. Perhaps it is the pressure to perform; as I walk around the room I hear exasperated chatter over how "we have to get the story right!"

每对学生轮流站在课堂前,一些启示 become apparent. For starters, history can bond us. The level of interaction is quite 高,也许是因为这个练习需要一群非常好的陌生人和 帮助他们看到他们有共同的东西:记忆. The pen drop becomes 这一时刻将学生们凝聚在记忆中,并开启了未来 加入一个每周在同一时间聚会两次的小组.

我观察到,我这个无关痛痒的问题似乎激发了一种天生的寻求真相的感觉 每一对都抓住了最近的过去,并描述了它是如何出现在现在的 moment. Every group wanted to get it right. Accuracy was at the heart of their quest. 我惊讶于历史对我们每个人的意义是如此不同.

换句话说,我们可以看到同样的东西,但不是 see the same thing. What do I mean?

正如你可能已经猜到的那样,没有两对鞋呈现出相同的故事. In fact, everyone's history was different. 历史回顾有不同的起点, 有不同的重点和不同版本的事实 offered.

如果我们敢说出全部,我们就需要用更多的声音来研究 truth.

看到这群人同时经历了同样的历史时刻,真是令人着迷 was nonetheless experienced differently. Even though all were present, not all were looking at the same things at the same time. In other words, we shared a moment, but 不一定有相同的特定记忆.

这个故事概括了我们思考时必须面对的许多具有挑战性的问题 如何创建一个研究计划来探索我们作为一个机构的过去.

然而,即使在我们的研究中,我们也希望进行尽可能彻底的调查 计划时,我们必须考虑到我们试图接近过去的潜在局限性 accurately. 不是每个人都会以同样的方式记住共同的历史时刻. 这就是为什么多种多样的声音会有所帮助. For as with the pen drop, only 一个人的描述——虽然不一定不准确——就是不准确 convey what the entire classroom experienced. The overlapping of all the various, 不同的声音提供了一个更全面的画面.

因此,如果我们敢于讲述全部,我们就需要使用更多的声音进行研究 truth.

As part of Universities Studying Slavery这是一个由60多所学校组成的国际联盟,将公开处理 在他们过去的黑暗篇章中,TCU的奴役劳工在某种程度上是独一无二的 不直接负责我校的建设,因此有较多的衰减 connection to slavery.

但我们学校对种族主义的裂痕并不陌生. We are one of the few institutions 在与当代历史(学生抗议和要求)和解的财团中 as recent as January 2020) in our public report. Most other schools have not brought their most recent histories into view. Through virtual town hall meetings such as “Assessing Allyship & 在2021年1月举行的“白度”会议上,TCU不仅表示其 愿意与过去搏斗,但要准备好接受多种观点 on what it will take to build a new future.

And so the task is before us. To discover where the truth lies.

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